Development of packaging materials
Market-ready and cost effective
Not only does Weber offer a wide range of pre-manufactured packaging materials, we are also your optimum source for custom-tailored packaging solutions: We make certain that your products are presented in the best light while we also provide maximum value protection. In this context, our focus is not limited to the attractiveness and purposefulness of your packaging solutions, but we also keep a keen eye on costs and the protection of the environment. The ultimate result is that you will receive perfect packaging that is tailored to your merchandise.
Custom-tailored packaging
Weber puts you on the road to endless possibilities
The more attractively a product is presented, the greater the shopper’s desire to purchase it. This is the law of the market. However, at the same time, businesses are keen on designing packaging that offers maximum protection and is suited for intelligent logistical handling. Blister packs offer maximum flexibility in terms of merchandise placement, given that they can be presented in hanging and standing formats. We fabricate custom-designed blister packs and also offer a vast selection of low-cost universal fold-over blister packs for your products. Upon request, we also add attractive inserts or other features, such as labelling and theft protection.
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Priority services
Overview of our complementary services
We can assist you with a wide range of add-on solutions, such as packaging development for geometrically complex products to sleeve packaging of cylindric merchandise. We are experts in the creation of attractive, sturdy and protective transparent packaging.